ABVO Supervising Diplomates (SD) and External Participants (EP)

ABVO Supervising Diplomates (SD) and External Participants (EP)

SDs, EPs are required to complete this ABVO notification form if they are:

1) Becoming an SD or EP for the first time
2) After a time lapse, changing or adding additional residents that they oversee
3) Exiting from a current residency program and will be replaced by another SD or EP (Note: These Diplomates must also submit a ‘Credentials Supervising Diplomate form’ for their resident(s), no more than 30 days post notice. This form is available in your ABVO.us Diplomate portal.)
(Contact the Credentials Chair or ABVO office with any questions.)

Submission and confirmation received via the below form are the only official means of communication to the Residency Committee in this matter. Emails to the office and to the Residency about such changes will no longer be accepted.